Covenant Partners: £30 or more every month

Lord has made Covenant with Abraham that I will bless you and the Lord remembered His Covenant with Abraham and blessed him. He is a covenant keeping God. As you partner with us by sowing £30 or more every month to extend His covenant of love to the mankind and the covenant that He made to us through His Son Jesus Christ, the “Lord will remember every covenant that He made with you and will bring it into fulfilment.

Lord will richly reward you with and will remember His covenant with you and will bring blessings in overflowing abundance into your life, family, business, job, church and ministry. Thank you so much for being our Covenant partner. You will also get discounted ticket to our conferences and camps, gift on special occasions and VIP seating in our conferences.

Our History

Aenean auctor wisi et urna. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis ac turpis. Donec sit amet eros.