We Connect People
to Jesus and Each Other

Pastor Manasseh began to minister when he was seventeen years old. He used to travel occa-sionally to minister but from 2015 his travel and ministry began to reach many nations as he began to accept invitation from churches and organisations.

At present our team travels to 25 - 30 nations every year ministering and teaching in churches, organising healing and miracle crusades, conducting conferences, organising training sessions, youth camps and counselling sessions.

We work with churches to build and strengthen the spiritual and leadership aspects and train be-lievers and leaders to be more effective and soul winning. We support churches and charities in various nations to achieve their dreams and to be more effective in their work.

At present we are planting churches and believers “empower believers” training centres in many nations.







Our History

Aenean auctor wisi et urna. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis ac turpis. Donec sit amet eros.

What We Believe

God is Good

Nothing is Impossible

We are Significant

We Do Life Better

Showing Visible Love

Worship is a Lifestyle